Relationships. Woven Strong.®

Thread is a community impact organization that leverages the power of relationships to support Baltimore City students through graduation and beyond. For more than 20 years, Thread has been committed to radically transforming the social fabric of Baltimore to create a more deeply connected community where everyone thrives.

Enabling Student Success

At-promise 9th grade students who face challenges in and outside the classroom join Thread and expand their social support structure while building a community where everyone can thrive. Thread commits to our young people for ten years–the remainder of high school and six years thereafter.

Empowering Volunteers

We are a diverse community of millennials and retirees, college students and PhD candidates, working professionals and empty nesters, lifelong residents and transplants, who are building relationships across lines of difference with young people.

Compelling Community Change

By developing a strong network of individuals who accept and celebrate our differences, we are equipping the community–especially our young people–with the social capital needed to improve educational, economic, and health outcomes for everyone.

Over 3,000 People.
One Common Thread.

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Students and Alumni
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Volunteers and Collaborators

Compelling Student Success

0 %
overall high school graduation rate for Thread students
0 %
of students remain enrolled for 10 years, no matter what
0 %
of student alumni have completed a 4-year or 2-year degree or certificate program

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